Monday 13 August 2012

Hi All!

Check all the gallery pages for my latest work.  There's something new in each!

Monday 9 July 2012

Teneb, the Harvester

Hi all,

Here is a full cover altered art Teneb, the Harvester.  I just want to thank Martyn Ras for giving me the chance to alter this card, I really enjoyed it!

Friday 6 July 2012

Latest Art:
Hey all!

Watch this space for my latest stuff which includes a full cover Teneb, the Harvester, altered Bird of Paradise and extended Huntmaster of the Fells/Ravager of the Fells.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Rules update:
I've fished around for the official rules regarding modified cards and this is what I could find...
UTR 28 states that:
"Cards used in a tournament may not have writing on their faces other than signatures or artistic modifications. Modifications may not obscure the artwork so as to make the card unrecognizable. If modifications to a card are deemed by the Head Judge to constitute outside notes or unsporting conduct, the player using such cards will be subject to the appropriate provisions of the DCI Penalty Guidelines."

UTR 32 states that:

"The Head Judge is the final authority regarding card interpretations. See the DCI Floor Rules for the appropriate game for more detailed rules regarding how cards should be interpreted. If the Head Judge determines that a player is using non-English–language cards and/or misprints to create an advantage by using misleading text or artwork, that player will be subject to the appropriate provisions of the DCI Penalty Guidelines."

For more information see the about page

Monday 2 July 2012

Hey MTG fans, watch this space for updates on my latest card art.

Check out this set of 3 Jace the Mind Sculptor alterations...

I really enjoyed doing this alteration!  It was definitely intimidating working with such valuable cards and it was a challenge to keep the cards as similar as possible but I'm happy with the result.  Thank you Matthew for your faith in me, I really hope you enjoy these cards as much as I enjoyed modifying them!